Friday, December 15, 2006

Friday Night in Juniorville

Date: December 15, 2006
Venue: Lo-Rise

In the beginning, God made man. Then Gelman had them naked by the end of this song. I guess we can forgive, but only because he dressed. In elegant Channukah attire which is *so* "in" this holiday season, might we add.

Here at Well, You're Dressed, Wes, we like to see you covered. In hoods. We salute you hood boy. You are a true soldier of fashion.

Outside of Lo-Rise, two male-identified youths sported hats, sweaters, and a bountiful amount of waist-touching. We do not endorse the exposure of your midriff, but we admire the bold fashion-forward sensibility.

Despite the unseasonably warm weather, Wesleyan has been doing an astounding job at keeping clothed and covered! Keep up the good work Cardinals!

Until the next installment,
Em & JJS

1 comment:

TotesFawkward said...

Waist-touching is so gauche. I really hope that doesn't catch on. Also, where are all the bitch[-identified]es?