Friday, December 15, 2006


Tonight I am sitting in my room alone listening to Fantasia Barrino while creating this blog. Eventually, Em will join this blog and together we will head out to parties to find the first clothed Wesleyan students to be featured in Well, You're Dressed, Wes. Frivolous? Yeah, I guess so. Mean spirited? Sometimes, if you are a nudist. Well-written? Probs not. We do not discriminate between the "tribes," provided they keep their damn clothing on. Most likely, we'll post a lot of pictures of our friends, but only because our mothers told us to stay away from strangers. Stay tuned. Cheers! -Joe John & Emily (JJS with the pink, pink skip-it; Em in the exquisite, flapperlicious accoutrements)

1 comment:

TotesFawkward said...

OMG, like, LOLZ!!!!!!1one!!!! This is bestest blog evah! S&M ain't got nuttin' on yous, bitches! ROLF!

Oh, and your style is impeccable.