Friday, January 26, 2007

kid tested, shane & maude approved

In a benevolent gesture, Shane dazzled our blog with her generous approval during a quest of Joe John's to The Gatekeeper. We are eternally grateful --- so grateful that we're posting a photo of ourselves, dreaming of weather so cold that students will only show their eyes. You'll like this. Seriousilicity.

Aren't we hott? Emo? Clothed? Very Myspace, je pense.

Now, Joe John wouldn't dare make such a bold move, but I would like to (humbly) submit a suggestion for true well-dressed wes fashion, from this grand monsieur of wescelebreality.

The sweater is FROM middletown, even -- how urban trendy can you GET?
(see: TRENDZ: a boutique)

- JJS & Em

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